
HSBC unveils finalists for Start-Up stars 2010

Two South Yorkshire enterprises have been named as regional finalists in the 2010 HSBC Start-Up Stars Awards.

Spangles UK Ltd and Integral Network Solutions are amongst the eight North East Regional Finalists having convinced regional judging panels that they have the vital X-factor for future success and growth.

The companies will now go in front of the national judging panel, that includes Lord Digby Jones, Chairman of the International Business Advisory Board and Huw Morgan, Head of Business Banking, HSBC Bank plc, hoping to go forward and represent the region at the national awards in October.

Established by entrepreneur, Paul Taylor after learning his skills in the telecommunications section in the Army, Integral Network Solutions provide telecommunication networking solutions to customers all over the North of England. The Brampton company was named as a regional winner in the same competition in 2008. Paul said: "We're delighted to have been selected as regional finalists for the HSBC Start Up Stars Awards.

Now in their 10th year, the awards celebrate the achievements of the best new entrepreneurial talent in the UK. Richard Lambert, Director-General of the CBI said: "Britain has long been known and admired for its enterprise and entrepreneurial behaviour - and the economy is going to need even more of this as we recover from the recession.

"The sort of talent, innovation and commitment displayed by those entering the Start-Up Stars Awards is testimony to what can be achieved."